Saturday, April 29, 2017

Weekly Summary: 4/24- 4/28

After lunch, I usually read to the class but this week, the children took turns being "Guest Readers". We heard lot of fun and interesting stories.  

We also had lots of practice being an attentive, appreciative audience.  Along with listening to the "guest readers", we also watched Chris's class practice their musical, a performance by Spencer's elective class, and the 7th/8th graders rendition of "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare.

The poems this week were in the cinquains style. A cinquain is a poetic form that uses a 5 line pattern.  There are several variations of this style of poem. Each child wrote a cinquains using the 5 line form in which the lines had a  1, 2, 3, 4, 1 word pattens.

Over the week, the children watched seeds they planted last week start to sprout. They also designed seed packets for seeds they have collect and dried. We hope to sell the seed packets in the coming weeks to raise money for the Rain Garden Project.  

1 comment:

Heather Halabu said...

Those seed packets are the sweetest thing ever!