Sunday, September 11, 2011

A few snap shots from Wednesday

During math, the children worked together finding out how many squares it took to cover a sheet of paper. First, they estimated how many squares they thought would fit on the paper and then they tested their suppositions.  There were two goals with this exercise: one to hone the children's estimating skills and the other to practice working as part of a team.  To learn more about some of the math skills your child will be working with this year, click here

The second half of the morning was spent with Imogen learning about where in the world the Latin language originated.

After lunch, Dr. George came to our class.  He talked to the children about maps.  The children tried to make maps of our classroom using a "bird's eye view".  In this photo, George is answering a child's question about his arm brace.  He takes this opportunity to explain the ergonomics of the brace and how it helps him from further damaging his wrist.  This is an example of following the children's interests and making them "teachable moments".
Next; on to music, with Cara, where the children played with rhythms and patterns.  
If you went to the link above, you have read how this study is not only important to building an understanding of  music,   but also in building mathematical skills.  
Stay tuned, I will be writing more about our integrated curriculum in a future blog. 

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