Thursday, September 26, 2013

Seed Collection

Thank you to the families who found old socks around their homes and brought them in.  
Today we each picked out one sock to wear on our walk through the Prairie.  The children predicted which socks they thought would be the best seed collectors.  We set out to County Farm Park with socks in hand.  When we got to the Prairie, we put on the sock (with or without a shoe, depending on the size of the sock), and set out on our exploration. 
 The seed collecting became secondary to the experience.  As the children became trailblazers, I heard many interesting comments.  They needed to make paths through plants bigger than themselves.

 "We are Explorers of the World!"
"We are like Lewis and Clark going across the prairie!"

 "I can't believe we are in a real prairie."

"We are real explorers!"

 "This is awesome!"
"Do you think it was this hard for Lewis and Clark?"

 "This is the life!"
"Can we come back tomorrow?"