Sunday, October 10, 2010

Building a castle

Building a castle from recycled materials, takes time, trial and error, and imagination.

When the recycled materials came in, the children sorted them into categories: boxes, containers, tubes and egg cartons. As they sorted they discussed which ones could b
e used to create a castle. There were lots of ideas and excitement.

In our first attempt at building, we tried taping small boxes together to form the castle base but the boxes kept falling over.
Penny rescued us by finding a big box in the basement. We all agreed this was a perfect castle form to build upon. So we painted the box with brown, black, and grey paint.

Next, we played
with the materials to see what might be used for the towers, spires, draw bridges and dungeons. We painted
some more parts and drew windows, doors, flags, and flowers on paper to attach to our base.

Finally, we assembled the pieces and presto, a castle.
(Some of our ideas did not come to fruition, such as our draw bridge so I'm not s
ure how the Lords and Ladies will cross the moat but in any event the castle is truly a sight to behold.)

The castle as well as many other works of art will be displayed today at the Renaissance Feast. Hope to see you there. If you are not able to come, I am sure there will be plenty of photos from the event for you to see.

1 comment:

Fran Loosen said...

It was a magnificent castle, Elaine! Your creativity and project ideas always inspires me. What a cool result. I loved the egg crate dental work across the top!