Monday, November 28, 2016

Math Measuring Projects

This fall, in Math class, the children have been learning about how to use various tools for measuring.  In one project, the children's height was measured and they weighed themselves. They recorded the result.  The next step in the project was to find out their birth weight and length.  They used the finding to compare how much they have grown since they were born.  

Weighing themselves...

and record the results

Filling a bag of sand until
it weighs the same as their birth
Strips of papers the length of
 birth weight ... 
and current height.

In another project the children measured other parts of their bodies and record the results on a chart.  Some measurement needed cooperation of others. 

It takes two to do some


Currently, the children are learning to use clocks to measure time.  They are starting by learning on telling time to the hour and half hour.   

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