Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Winter Walk

Everyone bundled up and we went into the woods with Faye.  It was a chilly morning but the woods were shimmering with sun light.  Faye was impressed that we were ready for a walk.  She told us not many children and teachers would brave the woods on a cold day.  We shortened our trip from an hour to 20 minutes.  Even with the shortened time, Faye taught us about animals in the winter woods.

We went off the path, into the undisturbed snow, to look for tracks.  Faye explained you really have to think how the animals act to figure out what animal made the track.  A rabbit and squirrel track can look similar, but if you see the tracks going from tree to tree it is probably a squirrel.  

Faye had us pretend we were deer looking for food.  We pawed the snow with our feet to see if we could find any food.  We found dead leaves but Faye told us a deer eating dead leaves would be like us eating paper, not a lot of nutrition.  Then she had us looking for twigs sticking out of the ground.  The twigs are still alive so deer will eat them for food.  

Back to the trail, and back to school, for some hot cider and bananas.  Thank goodness we don't have to survive on what we find in the woods.

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