Monday, September 14, 2009

snack schedule

Each week a family will provide snacks for the class. Currently, there are 9 children in the class.
None of the children have food allergies or restrictions, so the only requirement is that the snacks are healthy.

Some snack suggestions:
-fresh fruit
-fresh vegetables
-apple sauce
-etc, etc, etc...(if you need more suggestions or have any questions, just ask)

SK is a "NO NUTS" school. Please remember to check for peanuts and tree nuts, including snacks made in a shared facility. Also, check labels for transfat and high fructose corn syrup and avoid those foods whenever possible.

Mark your calendar:
September 14-18 Bayoneto (there is a "menu" of this weeks snacks posted by our classroom door-Thank you Sydney!)
September 21-25 Chapel
September 28-October 2 Douglas
October 5-8 Jonsson
October 19-23 Keppo
October 26-30 Lethbridge
November 3-6 Maynard
November 9-14 Miracle
November 16-20 Rhodes
November 23-24 Elaine
November 30-December 4 Bayoneto
December 7-11 Chapel
December 14-18 Douglas

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