Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My favorite things

"I have a box, it's an old shoe box, and it's just about this big square.
If you come over here you can look in my box, cuz my favorite things are there."
Tom Hunter

Tom Hunter wrote this song for the early childhood educator, Bev Bos.  It is the perfect starting point for children sharing their favorite items from home.

Today, the children decorated a shoe box to put their favorite things in.  After vacation, they will bring their box to school and show the class what they chose to put in the box.

Below are the names of children and days they get to bring their box back to school:

Monday, April 20:
Amelia and Ian

Tuesday, April 21:
Emma and Stanley

Wednesday, April 22:
Noah and Emi

Thursday, April 23:
David, Melissa, and Quinn

Friday, April 24:
Nicholas, Freya, and Toussaint

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