You may have already heard about the experiment we did Friday afternoon but if you didn’t here is what we did. The children were given a question: Will the temperature of the water change the time it takes the tablet to dissolve? Working in groups of 3, they used basic scientific principles to discover the answer. First, they predicted what would happen.
Then they conducted the experiment: they dropped an antacid tablet in hot, cold and room temperature water. The children had to measure the temperature of the water, use a stopwatch to time the reaction time, and record their results. The last step was to draw a conclusion about what they observed. All the children came to the same conclusion: the hotter the water the faster the tablet dissolved.
Coming events:
Friday, January 23 – MAD SCIENTIST PARTY
Will’s class is preparing chemistry experiments to do with Susan and our class. To make the day more exciting we thought it would be fun for each child to have a lab coat. If you, or some one you know, has any old lab coats they would like to donate, please let me know. Thank you.
Friday, January 30 – SCIENCE FAIR
Each class will be presenting a chemistry related project to the other classrooms. Our class will be making a poster board that explains one of the chemistry experiments we did during the month.
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