Saturday, May 27, 2017

Weekly Summary: 5/22-5/26

Over the past couple months, as a class, we have been discussing and doing projects around seeds and gardens. Reading the The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, seemed a fitting novel to read in conjunction with these themes.  We are really enjoying the novel. The story is full of mysteries.  Just recently one mystery was solved.  The main character, Mary, found the key, and the door to the garden, that has been locked up for 10 years. 

Emma, 8th grader, came and told the class about how some tropical fish are poisoned with cyanide and this is killing the coral reefs. 

The children performed the Musical they have been working on over the past couple months. The anticipation for this event was palpable.  On Thursday, the children critiqued their performance. They said that the songs went well but there were points in the play that were confusing to the audience and there were some mistakes. Despite these problems, most thought the performance deserved at least a 4 stars out of 5. 

The week ended with a trip to Fossil Park. The children turned into paleontologists. They dug out fossils from the ancient sea bed.

Thank you to Shan for organizing the trip and Ed and Lindsey for joining us. 

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